Stacey McElroy-Hetltzel, PhD

Assistant Professor, Counseling Psychology

Authored by Stacey McElroy-Hetltzel, PhD

How to Become a Gratitude Leader: Infusing Gratitude Into Your Organization

Tuesday, November 30, 2021
We now find ourselves in a collective, global disaster of sorts with COVID-19. Navigating the pandemic has challenged us all, though it has affected some more than others. In many ways, it has shone a spotlight on existing social and economic inequities, as disasters do. Some also have linked COVID-19 to a phenomenon dubbed “the great resignation,” whereby people are voluntarily leaving the workplace in massive numbers. This seems to be a time when people are evaluating their sense of meaning in life, including what work means to them. Given this context, how can we foster a sense of meaning within the workplace and other organizations?
stacey mcelroy-hetzel headshot