Articles from December 2021

Creating a sustainable culture of mental health and wellbeing is a top priority at the University of Iowa. As part of this effort, university experts provide insight and guidance into the many aspects of how to integrate work and life so we can best care for ourselves while also caring for others.

fruits and vegetables at a farmers market

Basic Needs are Fundamental to Mental Health and Well-being

Monday, December 13, 2021
Basic needs go beyond being able to afford food; they’re defined by the Hope Center as including  a student’s “access to nutritious and sufficient food; safe, secure, and adequate housing—to sleep, to study, to cook, and to shower; healthcare to promote sustained mental and physical well-being; affordable technology and transportation; resources for personal hygiene; and childcare and related needs.”
image of locking up your computer, phone, book with a chain

Setting Boundaries Improves Work-life Balance, Mental Health

Tuesday, December 7, 2021
The distance between my work and my personal life has become increasingly smaller during the COVID-19 pandemic. The lines between home and work are blurred for me.