Communication with Family for International Students

If you are in the U.S., and your family members are outside of the U.S.

  1. Advocate for yourself in academic and non-academic settings
  2. Understand your family’s concern due to distance and cultural differences
  3. Share your plan for staying safe and healthy
  4. Communicate your need for deescalating stress
  5. Practice self-care along with your family
  6. Stay connected with your family

If you are outside of the U.S. with your family

  1. Advocate for yourself in academic and non-academic settings
  2. Share time commitment about your academic and non-academic responsibilities
    1. Time you need to be in classes virtually
    2. Time you need for academic responsibilities outside of class (1 hour in class = 3 hours outside of class for coursework)
    3. Time you need for commitment in other co-curricular activities virtually
    4. How these time commitments will affect your lifestyle at home
  3. Communicate your need for deescalating stress
  4. Stay socially connected with your friends
  5. Practice self-care along with your family